Special exhibition “Micrometeorites” from Friday 8th December 2023

From Friday, December 8, the new special exhibition “Micrometeorites: Dust from outer space – everywhere!” can be seen.

Micrometeorites are cosmic dust particles that hit the earth every day, mostly unnoticed by us. When they enter the atmosphere, the tiny rock particles are heated up and cool down again. This creates fascinating sculptures of crystals and glass.

For a long time, it was considered impossible to detect such particles from space in populated areas among all the dust and industrial pollution on earth. Two researchers from Norway have succeeded in finding micrometeorites on house roofs and in gutters and have developed a special photographic technique to make the fascinating spheres visible to the naked eye.

The special exhibition focuses on large-format photographs that allow visitors to immerse themselves in the strange, bizarre and extremely aesthetic world of these extraterrestrial particles.

We look forward to your visit!